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A visit to American Center at U.S. Embassy in Prague

Naše škola Academia Mercurii měla výjimečnou příležitost navštívit Americké centrum v Praze. Vybraní studenti se setkali s panem diplomatem, který jim dal nahlédnout do světa diplomacie. Během hodinového hovoru, vedeného v angličtině, měli studenti možnost klást panu diplomatovi všetečné otázky, týkající se nejen jeho práce, ale také života ve Spojených státech všeobecně. Pro studenty nejzajímavější a nejpřitažlivější byla zajisté část věnovaná možnostem studia či práce ve Spojených státech, které Americké centrum zajišťuje prostřednictvím různých mezinárodních projektů a nabídek. Naši studenti udělali velmi dobrý dojem, a proto věříme, že nám dveře Amerického centra zůstaly otevřené i do budoucna.

Our school Academia Mercurii had a great opportunity to visit the American centre in Prague. Carefully chosen students (good English and decent behaviour necessary J) had a chance to meet an American ambassador who briefly introduced them to the world of diplomacy. During one hour students could ask the ambassador questions concerning not only his work career, but also the life in the USA. All in English, of course. The most interesting part was definitely the one about work-and-study programmes in the USA, which the American centre offers via various international projects. Our students made a very good impression, therefore we truly believe the American centre door remains open to us in the future.

We really liked that the diplomat was very friendly. Another thing that we liked was hearing a native speaker even though he had an accent and we had a little bit trouble understanding some words. We also learned about some programmes where we can apply to study in the USA, which we really appreciated.

When some of us asked the diplomat a particular question on a topic, he didn´t actually answer to it, but wiggled around it. We thought he would talk more about the job he does at the embassy, but it was more about his life experiences.
