
Maturitní ples 4.A a 4..B
Krajské kolo ekonomické olympiády
Česká národní banka - 3.A a 3.B
Vánoční trhy Wroclaw
Veletrh studentských firem
Florbalový turnaj SUBTERRA
Exkurze Wikov MGI a.s. Hronov - 2.A
Sportovní úspěchy
Výjezdní praxe Praha
Ukázkové praxe cestovního ruchu
Sportovní výkony našich studentů
Adaptační kurzy pro 1. ročníky
Přespolního běhu v Polici nad Metují
ERASMUS+ pro učitelé
Zasedání členských škol UNESCO
Švédsko - poznávací zájezd


 "European citizenship - Cultural heritage unites us"


Project outcomes:

1) Lesson plans for EPRP

2) Brochures:

- Visited places: Spain, Malta, Czech

- Cultural heritage: Spain, Malta, Czech

3) Press releases

4) Language survival kit

5) Meetings videos




Prezentace žáků ze setkání ČR, Madrid, Malta - 27.5.2022

Název projektu: Europea Citizenship – Cultural heritage unites us
Délka projektu: 1.9.2019 – 31.8.2022
Koordinátor projektu: Mgr. Ivana Šimková
Registrační číslo projektu: 2019-1-CZ01-KA229-061113
Webové stránky projektu:


Partnerské školy:
ACADEMIA MERCURII soukromá střední škola, s.r.o.
Náchod, Česká republika
Vordingborg Gymnasium & HF
Vordingborg, Dánsko
Sacred Heart Minor Seminary 
Victoria, Malta
Ies Joaquin Turina
Madrid, Španělsko

Project Summary:

At this time when Euro-scepticism is growing across Europe, we as teachers feel the necessity and the responsibility to foster EU citizenship awareness and positive attitudes to it in our students and local communities. We aim to foster them through sharing cultural heritage of the participating countries to educate and remind especially our young people of the importance to respect and protect all cultural heritage, as we are strongly convinced that our heritage shapes our identity and attitudes both national and European. Helping and encouraging the youth to create a positive attitude to European citizenship through cultural heritage and helping our students to understand other cultures is an important challenge for us. Knowing better history, traditions, languages and culture of other European countries helps us to construct our identity of an European citizen and a sense of belonging to Europe. For our project, we found it important to include schools from different regions of Europe which cultures are not alike so that students can find significant cultural differences. About 60 students will get the opportunity to travel (per meeting there will be 4-6 students from every country accompanied by 2 teachers) aged 12-18 years. Teachers will have the unique opportunity to share their knowledge and skills too. During short-term staff trainings, three teachers per each school will be trained in dropping out prevention methodologies and in digital skills through the training of ICT tools use with the emphasis on eTwinning and Twinspace. But the main objective of our project is to raise the interest of our pupils in valorizing and respecting cultural heritage of participants‘ countries and to raise their European citizenship awareness. Along with, we aim to promote the acquisition of skills, competences and attitudes of both students and teachers. More in specific, our project aims to increase students' intercultural competences, to enhance multilingualism by teaching and learning English (which is the main language of the project for communication and project activities) and Spanish languague (activities done in Spanish will be a part of each students meeting, as Spanish is taught in all the schools), to foster digital skills of both, students and teachers by the use of eTwinning, Twinspace, Kahoot, Instagram and other ICT tools during the project; to increase the self-confidence of our students, to decrease the level of early school leaving in our schools by promoting new dropping out prevention methodology, to observe and then to use more innovative and activating didactis for teachers, to create new didactic material in 5 languages and above all to challenge Euroscepticism by boosting European citizenship awareness through sharing the value of European cultural heritage among students, local communities and wider public.We also wish to create a network of schools for further projects of European cooperation. We would like to show our students as much of cultural heritage of each participant country as possible, trying to highlight representative examples of various fields of cultural heritage including some UNESCO World Heritage sites or other historical monuments, crafts, famous paintings, music, traditional cuisine, literature, rural architecture or museums of history which will be supported by various workshops. We will also meet local politicians who will speak to the students explaining them the importance of European citizenship which will be supported by series of workshops and activities (including Twinspace video conference of students) to positively influence the attitudes of our students towards European citizenship. The combination of the knowledge of cultural heritage of European countries and activities promoting the proud feeling of being an European citizen will lead to the rise of European citizenship awareness of our students and hopefully will also affect their families and local communities. All project results will continue their lives after the end of the EU funding on our Twinspace project webpages containing our project brochures, press releases, logo, posters, links to videos/vlogs, Kahoot quiz etc. Brochures will also be provided to public in centres for teachers‘ education, in local tourist information centres and offered for sharing with public in local communities or associations to foster sharing the cultural heritage of participant countries and positive attitudes of local people to European citizenship. Lesson materials or the language survival kit can be used in lessons of any teacher as all the material will be open to public (along with dropping out prevention methodology materials) through our Twispace webpages. We strongly believe that our project activities will lead to higher European citizenship awareness in our communities, as we are convinced that sharing the value of European cultural heritage unites us and makes us believe in European citizenship

Schůzky:  vzhledem k zdravotně-bezpečnostní situaci v partnerských zemích budou schůzky realizovány až od roku 2022.

DÁNSKO      – leden 2022 (pouze učitelé)
ČR               – 13. - 19. březen  2022
ŠPANĚLSKO – 22. 30. duben 2022
MALTA         – 8. -14. květen 2022


Napsali o nás

  Prosinec 2019.pdf